This channel is best for early adopters, and Microsoft says your feedback in this channel will have the most impact. In the Beta Channel, you’ll get more polished features that will be deployed in the next Windows 10 feature update at the moment that’s Windows 10 21H2. This channel is best for technical users and developers, and builds in it may be unstable and buggy. The Dev Channel is where new features are introduced for initial testing, regardless of which Windows 10 release they’ll eventually end up in. Windows Insiders can choose to receive preview builds in one of three channels. The next feature update, due in the fall of 2021, will be version 21H2. So the most recent version of Windows is officially referred to as Windows 10 version 21H1, or the May 2021 Update. Microsoft numbers Windows 10 releases using a YYH1/ YYH2 format, with the YY standing for the last two numbers of the year and H1 or H2 referring to the first or second half of the year. In addition to its steady releases of major and minor updates to the current version of Windows 10, the company frequently rolls out public preview builds to members of its Windows Insider Program, allowing them to test out - and even help shape - upcoming features.